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IABF’s 60 Seconds: Renewal on List of Tradable Crypto Assets in the Physical Market

The Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency or Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (“BAPPEBTI”) has issued Regulation Number 11 of 2022 on Determination of the List of Tradable Crypto Assets in the Physical Market for Crypto Assets (“New Regulation”) on 8 August 2022. The Regulation revokes previous BAPPEBTI regulation, i.e. BAPPEBTI regulation Number 7 of 2020 on Determination of the List of Tradable Crypto Assets in the Physical Market for Crypto Assets (“Old Regulation”).

Under New Regulation, the list of tradable crypto assets cover 383 (three hundred eighty three) types of crypto assets. Meanwhile, Old Regulation covered lesser types of crypto assets, i.e. 229 (two hundred twenty nine) in total. Both New Regulation and Old Regulation still regulate the same provision that the candidate or trader of physical crypto assets may deliver recommendation for additional and/or reduction on the list of tradable crypto assets in the physical market to BAPPEBTI through Futures Exchange of Crypto Assets.


Published by: IABF Law Firm

Published on: 23 Aug 2022

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