Uncertain economies demand legal strategies that address regulatory and enforcement risks and the costs of compliance. We advise financial services companies and institutions on both their day-to-day operations and wider strategic objectives, helping them to contend with banking industry restructurings, regulatory demands and the compliance costs that have come with reform.
Our clients include asset managers, building societies, capital markets and their participants, investment banks, national regulators, private banks, private equity firms, professional services organizations engaged principally in financial services and retail banks. We offer timely, pragmatic and commercial solutions, grounded in an understanding of key business objectives and practicalities. Our knowledge of the markets in which we operate and our experience in a changed (and changing) regulatory and commercial lending environment means that our advice can make a real difference to clients in a timely way.
Key services:
- Acquisition financing.
- Asset backed securities.
- Asset-based financing.
- Banking regulation and compliance.
- Debt and equity capital markets (including convertibles, bonds with warrants, exchangeables).
- Debt restructuring and insolvency.
- Export-credit financing.
- International investment funds.
- Mainstream and cross-border banking work (corporate lending, secured and unsecured).
- MTN programs and repackaging.
- Project financing.
- Real estate financing.
- Structured finance and securitizations.
- Trade financing (pre-payment structures, and vendor financing focusing on the resources sector).